Fixed bug.

Brian [2016-07-29 16:55:50]
Fixed bug.

Fixed a bug causes the bot not to stop when player press the "stop bot"
button and an exception is going on.
diff --git a/PokemonGo/RocketAPI/Window/MainForm.cs b/PokemonGo/RocketAPI/Window/MainForm.cs
index bd50837..67fd3eb 100644
--- a/PokemonGo/RocketAPI/Window/MainForm.cs
+++ b/PokemonGo/RocketAPI/Window/MainForm.cs
@@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ namespace PokemonGo.RocketAPI.Window
                     bot_started = false;
-            catch (TaskCanceledException) { ColoredConsoleWrite(Color.Red, "Task Canceled Exception - Restarting"); Execute(); }
-            catch (UriFormatException) { ColoredConsoleWrite(Color.Red, "System URI Format Exception - Restarting"); Execute(); }
-            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { ColoredConsoleWrite(Color.Red, "ArgumentOutOfRangeException - Restarting"); Execute(); }
-            catch (ArgumentNullException) { ColoredConsoleWrite(Color.Red, "Argument Null Refference - Restarting"); Execute(); }
-            catch (NullReferenceException) { ColoredConsoleWrite(Color.Red, "Null Refference - Restarting"); Execute(); }
-            catch (Exception ex) { ColoredConsoleWrite(Color.Red, ex.ToString()); Execute(); }
+            catch (TaskCanceledException) { ColoredConsoleWrite(Color.Red, "Task Canceled Exception - Restarting"); if (!Stopping) Execute();}
+            catch (UriFormatException) { ColoredConsoleWrite(Color.Red, "System URI Format Exception - Restarting"); if (!Stopping) Execute(); }
+            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { ColoredConsoleWrite(Color.Red, "ArgumentOutOfRangeException - Restarting"); if (!Stopping) Execute(); }
+            catch (ArgumentNullException) { ColoredConsoleWrite(Color.Red, "Argument Null Refference - Restarting"); if (!Stopping) Execute(); }
+            catch (NullReferenceException) { ColoredConsoleWrite(Color.Red, "Null Refference - Restarting"); if (!Stopping) Execute(); }
+            catch (Exception ex) { ColoredConsoleWrite(Color.Red, ex.ToString()); if (!Stopping) Execute(); }

         private static string CallAPI(string elem, double lat, double lon)
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